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Promote and Support AIM USA

Join over 4,000 supporters of AIM USA in promoting monastic life in Asia, Africa, and Latin America. You can choose to support AIM USA financially, spiritually, educationally and/or communally. Thank you for helping AIM USA fulfill its mission through your gifts. Know that all monasteries keep their benefactors in prayer.


Donate to AIM USA using our PayPal account or send a check. All gifts of $250 or greater are tax deductible. Donate to the Annual Appeal—as an annual donor to AIM USA you will receive the AIM USA newsletter twice a year. Remember AIM USA in your will and ensure that the work of helping developing monasteries will continue. Donate Stocks and Bonds and help AIM USA realize income for the needs of developing monasteries. Your gift is tax deductible.

Click here for our Donation page



Pray our AIM USA prayer with us. You can also request copies of our prayer card in several languages. Click Here

Send Mass Offerings and have a Mass said in honor of or in memory of a loved one, living or deceased, whom you’d like remembered in a special way or for a special intention. Your donation in the form of a Mass offering will be sent to a developing monastery where the Mass for your loved one will be offered. Choosing to honor someone special in this way also helps developing monasteries meet their needs.Click Here


Participate in AIM USA's Book and Subscription Service by donating books and periodicals to monastic communities who need them for education and formation of members. We send books on spirituality, monasticism, the Rule of Benedict and commentaries, prayer, liturgy, sacraments, biblical studies, theology, the saints, social justice, spiritual classics, Cistercian studies, and spiritual direction are of value to communities who have no access to books except through AIM USA.

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Request our AIM USA Newsletter to stay aware of news, projects, and activities of AIM USA. We will mail or email it to you twice a year.

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Request a free AIM USA DVD that presents a brief history of AIM International and AIM USA and our present-day work. The 16-minute DVD is narrated and enhanced with photos from Benedictine and Cistercian monastic communities and the people they serve in Asia, Africa, and Latin America. Click Here

Become a participating monastery in our Monastery to Monastery program. A participating monastery and/or Oblate group makes a financial and spiritual commitment to be in relationship with the monasteries in developing countries. The financial assistance supports AIM USA grants. The spiritual commitment is to hold monasteries in prayer—perhaps utilizing the AIM Prayer. Click Here